Jade Gao

Welcome Visitor

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Links to Stories

A Happy Episode of My Life
A Pink Dream
A Movie Ticket
粉红色的梦A Pink Dream written in Chinese
Being Laid Off
Five Ladies of GVSU
My First Vacation in America
My Grandfather's Art Pieces
Reminiscences on Moon Cake Festival
This is My Mother
Yunnan- a web project for a class

Other links

Grand Rapids, Michigan
Grand Rapids Weather
Cornerstone University
English-Chinese Dictionary
Temperature Conversion
News From China
International Currency Converter

Hello, welcome to my homepage. I am from Kunming, a city famous for its year round spring like weather, in Yunnan Province, China. I came to America in 1996 for graduate study at Grand Valley State University in Michigan. I live in Grand Rapids, and currently work in Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan as an Database Administrator - System Analyst.

One of my hobbies is writing stories. From time to time I will post new stories to this site.

I love to write just like I love computer technology. I used to write stories and essays for the local newspapers and magazines in my home country. I wrote a tourism book published in Kunming, China in 1996. A person’s life is like a play full of dramatic events. I have written down some of them that might have occurred in and around my life with added literary flavor. I hope you, my friends, while we probably never meet enjoy them and learn something about my country and its people.

A few selected stories, some of them are chosen from essays I wrote for my ESL class and English writing class when I was a student in GVSU and Davenport University.
Being Laid off is kind of the experience many people don't want to have. Once it happens, we all have to learn how to deal with it.

A Pink Dream was just a dream or not. What is the dream comes to be true in a way you don't expect. Does it count the dream comes true?

Reminiscences On Moon Cake Festival, a story of my childhood during the Cultural Revolution in China.

This is My Mother tells a mother's common story that impacts daughters' life for a long, long time.

A Movie Ticket can mean a lot for some people, really? What's a big deal? This story tells all.

A Happy Episode In My Life is about food culture and friendship happened when I was a teenager.

My Grandfather 高荫槐 and His Collection gives you a idea place to go If you are interested in Chinese art works and history.

Copyright © 1999 Jade Yuxuan Gao